When a Loaded Word (c**t) is Flung in Your Direction…

Today started off as any other day. I sent out my CV to potential job opportunities (I was made redundant), had lunch and then decided to do my daily walk around town.  It would always end at my local Waitrose (grocery store chain in the UK) where I would pick up a few necessities and then make my way to Costa Coffee where I would splurge and get my decaf peach iced tea. Yes, that is what I call splurging at the moment. This has been my routine, my world, for the last 2 months. A simple one. But today was not like any other day, today was the day I was called an uneducated C**t in an upscale grocery store.

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Dream. Believe. Create. Succeed.

dream succeed create

Ah quotes! A statement to live up to and create goals for. I’m not going to lie, I truly love a good ol’ quote like the rest of them. Sometimes they just encapsulate how you’re feeling in a sentence or two. Not to mention it kinda makes you feel like you aren’t the only one out there in this big ol’ world. If someone has created the quotes, that means that same someone would have felt like that at one point in time. It’s nice to feel a connection in that moment after you’ve read a touching, motivational quote. Some may console your sadness, while others lift you up to the heavens. I suppose this post will be a gentle ‘quote’ reminder to not forget your dreams.

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The Only Photo Editing Apps You Will Ever Need…Make your selfies and landscape photos pop!

best photo editing apps ever

Pandas! It’s no secret that I am always going on and on about photography and in particular iphoneography. To aid this addiction I have about 200 apps. Sadly I wish I was joking at the amount. I am literally obsessed with finding the best apps a girl can get her hands on. It has practically turned into a fun quest of the modern ages for me.

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Happy Friday Pandas

Happy Friday... Friday feelingI know some of you are freaking out because today happens to be the 13th which also happens to fall on a Friday. Yikes, Friday the 13th! To most of you out there it’s considered the worst day ever. I mean the worst day since the beginning of time. But I think we need to stop putting so much stock into these things.

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Quote of The Day: The Comfort of Feeling Safe With Someone

Comfort: Quote of the day

My dear fluffy pandas, this is going to be a super quick post today. And because of the swiftness, I thought I would leave you with a good quote (Featured image).


My thought when I read this is that I miss the intimacies of being in a relationship sometimes. The understanding between two people. The downright psychic powers you possess in knowing what your partner is doing and what each personality trait means no matter how much of a micro-expression it is.

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Us Watching Shia LaBeouf Watching Shia LaBeouf… Wait What?

Shia LaBeouf Live

Ok pandas normally I don’t post current news but today I thought I will make an exception. Reason being? Today is the day I found out that Shia LaBeouf is being filmed at a movie theatre in New York. No, it is not for an upcoming film. It’s for I’m guessing, personal artistic purposes. In this project, we, the voyeurs, are watching him watching his movies. It’s just of his face and nothing else. There is no sound, just his movements and his facial expressions. This performance started from his most recent movies and is working backwards, whereupon he will keep watching one after another without sleeping. It’s supposed to last for 3 days.

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9 Beauty Must-Haves… All £9 and Under!

Beauty Must-haves

Pandas if it’s one thing I completely get, is shopping on a micro-budget. It’s not only hard weeding through all the bad ones out there but it’s time consuming. I literally grab a new product every month just to try it. My method is the trial and error one. So if it’s awful, I move on. But throughout the many attempts at finding gold I managed to find a few keepers along the way.

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Let’s Spread More Kindness….

Kindness quotePandas this will be a quick one. But I just wanted to say that today’s theme is about kindness. Let’s all start doing acts of kindness. Tiny, big, medium, you pick it and stick with it. This world needs more happiness, laughter and love. If each one of us could do something, just imagine how much kindness we could spread around.

If someone needs help or is struggling, assist them. Give up your seat on the subway. Let the older lady cut the line at the store. Pick up the dropped cane that belongs to an elderly gentleman. Make sure the little kids get to their destination safe. Don’t rat out a sibling. Give your food to the next homeless person you see. Listen to your friend when she is crying. Be present in every situation. What ever you do, just do something.

Love always,
your Panda ❤




Beauty in Today’s Society Has Got Me All Messed Up…

Mad, Frustrated at Beauty Industry

Last week someone snapchated me after about a year of not talking to each other. It wasn’t due to any one significant reason but a few little mediocre ones. All I’m saying is, he did some annoying/questionable things. But before I changed numbers I remembered him whatsapping me trying to meet up before he moved back to his country of origin. I, like all people who can’t be bothered to confront someone, ignored him. Anyway, long story short, he got back in touch and sent me a snap on a Saturday night about a week ago.

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National Blog Posting Month

National Blog Posting Month

Well Pandas, I have decided to take part in November’s National blog posting month. It’s where bloggers sign up and write a post every single day. Personally I have no idea how I’m going to do it seeing as how the last time I wrote something was on the 25th of October. But I figured I needed a challenge to get me going. After all tomorrow is ‘Do it’ day so I’m going to start making things happen!

Wish me luck!

Sometimes Life May Get You Down, But…


How many of us have been here?! I’m pretty sure lots and lots of us. Here’s the thing, we can’t let life get to us. It’s too much stress and we all know that stress is not the best companion.’

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Weekend Photo Journal: Hooray For Houndstooth


Okay Pandas, this week I have been lusting over Houndstooth. There’s just something about the pattern, not to mention the cosy thickness of it. It’s so chic for winter that I want to shout it from the rooftops. Now I know over-using this pattern can scream houndstooth road kill. But splashes of it here and there, will always be a YES moment.

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Weekend Photo Journal: Envious of Ms. Emerald Green

Emerald Envy


In this weekend’s photo journal I have decided to stick to another royal, rich, decadent colour of deliciousness. And that my panda buddies, is the beautiful Emerald Green. Isn’t it just a divine, sumptuous, opulent,  and exquisite colour? It should have been the colour of the Gods. If Zeus was still around I’m pretty sure he would have draped all of mount Olympus and the Parthenon with trinkets, trimmings and adornments of this sexy commanding colour.

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You Must Be Tired of Trying to Get Everyone to Like You…

do you and stop pleasing everyone

Here’s the thing pandas, I don’t know where the majority of us got this notion that we need everyone and their cousins to like us. We are not in a beauty pageant, nor are we competing to see who can get the most people to adore and gush over our profile pictures on social media. Life’s too fucking short to waste so much time and effort in trying to maintain likeability. If you let it consume you, then you will realise that it’s a full-time job with a family and two mistress on the side. So stop stressing that some people might not like you. Surely, you’ve got to be tired by now. Aren’t you tired? I would be fucking exhausted.

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